Radio Interviews

October 16, 2019

Dr. Maher A. Abbas featured live on Monte Carlo International Radio Station

October 16, 2019 | Paris, France |

Diseases of the anus and rectum are very common.  They can vary from benign conditions such as hemorrhoids and fissure to cancer of the anus and the rectum.  Although most patients who present with anal symptoms have hemorrhoids, some patients have other conditions that require attention.  It is important to seek medical evaluation especially when the symptoms of bleeding, pain, feeling of a lump, or change in bowel habits last more than one week.  Dr. Maher A. Abbas was featured live on Monte Carlo Doualiya (International) radio show to discuss these various conditions and to address the audience questions by phone.

The full Arabic interview with Mrs. Sonita Nader can be accessed atالصحة-المستدامة/20191016-ما-هي-أمراض-المستقيم-وكيف-نتعامل-معها-1